Monday, January 9, 2012

I will loose 20 pounds

Last year I attempted this, I set a goal to loose 20 pounds. Hard to believe an entire year has went by since I said that, but glad to say I managed to shed at least 3 pounds in that time period :). This year I think I want to go about it a different way. I would like to start off realisticly at aiming to loose 10 pounds. If I can accomplish that then maybe I can accomplish loosing more. I have a lack of motivation when it comes to this, which is common. Who wants to be in pain though? You have to push yourself though, if you want to get that feeling of being energetic. Starting off slow makes sense and I really hope I can achieve it. It's all about portion control, and breaking a sweat throughout the week. I'm constantly tired in the first place and I am tired of feeling tired. So for a while this blog may be focusing on this goal. One of these days I will reach it!!!

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